Sandy Hook is always one of my top recommendations for engagement sessions when couples want photos along the beautiful beaches and shore area of New Jersey without any of the more built up boardwalk areas. Part of the Gateway National Recreation Area, it will be preserved for years to come for all to enjoy as a National Park. With their dog Sammy in tow we began photographing the loving couple in an overgrown corridor of fort built for World War 2 with huge stone walls, archways, and cart tracks. All these elements plus the natural ivy and vines worked together to perfectly framed the pair! A few steps down the road we stopped by and old military barracks in a field with an amazing view of the Raritan Bay. As the sun continued to set (and a bit of wind picked up), we made our way out onto a small peninsula with views of at Atlantic Highlands and Twin Lights across the bay. The many beach grasses, sandy spots, stones, and fallen trees made for amazing spots to capture photographs of the pair unlike those you would find anywhere else. Throughout the engagement session Sammy did his own dog thing and popped into some photos for pets and then running off again. We had a blast exploring the park and can’t wait to photograph this couple’s wedding later this year. We even heard that Sammy might make an appearance during the ceremony!
Sandy Hook does not require a permit or entrance fee during the off season and parking is easy. During the summer, weekends may be busy! The park is open sunrise to sunset year round which gives us the opportunity to meet at just the right time for amazing lighting at any time throughout the year. If you are searching for the perfect wedding photographer or want to schedule an engagement session, Contact Us for more information.
A perfect time for Sammy, the couple’s dog, to hop into the photos as they walked hand in hand!
One of the most natural looking beaches you can find in Monmouth County and probably even New Jersey as a whole!
The results are trying to make a happy dog sit still, more running and playing!
You can even see the towers of Navesink Twin Lights in the background on the peak of the hill in the Atlantic Highlands.
One quick stop by the ocean before we said our goodbyes!